Thursday, May 3, 2012

Moving On

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I was going to call this the' Last, last post' as I had already made a final entry but I decided to work on this piece some more and reconsider the decision to close down this blog. So, I've worked on the piece and reconsidered and come to the same conclusion. I think the purpose of this blog has been accomplished, namely to put my work up and see that it has value and merit on its own. It's been fun to learn some technology and to step back from the images and see them in this format. It's also affirmed my personal strength in knowing that I would do this if no one ever saw it. It is that powerful for me. That after all is the true gift; knowing that the Giver of all good gifts only requires you to exercise it. The results are not for us to judge or for anyone else to judge either. Recently, I have been feeling drawn to track down some ancestors I have never known and the results have been surprising. I keep stumbling upon illustrators, fine artists, cartoonists, musicians, poets, actors and actresses. Some were and still are very well known by the world and others not but a long lost cousin, living in Australia, reminded me recently that in this family, the arts are very strong. The joy they feel as they respond to this call  is genetic and must be expressed. For the first time in my life, I feel a part of a larger family, many of whom I will never know personally but who I know intimately, in my bones. I don't have to answer for it, explain or justify it. I just have to do it. That's freedom. Enjoy the journey.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Daffodil Season

With the warmest March on record, Ontarian homeowners are pulling out rakes and heading to garden centres. My crocuses are coming up and soon the Canadian Cancer Society will be out selling daffodils. Our artist co-op put out a call for artists to create daffodil art to brighten the window and call attention to this important cause. This is my submission. Working with windows open in my studio means I don't have to listen to the noisy ventilation fan anymore. I love spring.

Friday, February 3, 2012


Here is a piece that I'm putting in an upcoming show.

The theme is music so for artists, it leaves the door open to interpret the 'musical' landscape in a visual way. I'm looking forward to seeing what the other artists have done. The opening day of the show promises to include soundscapes as well as visual and dimensional work.
Hymn was inspired by this little guy that I found in the snow. It instantly reminded me of a favourite children's hymn that I've always loved; 'God sees the little sparrow fall.....If God so loves the little sparrow, I know He loves me too...'
It's encaustic wax and photo transfer on 4"x6" birch cradle.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Of Celts, Canadians, cats, and other things

Mark, The Lion
 I'm reading Richard Gwyn's book, 'John A., The Man Who Made Us'. I thought one of the best lines in the book, describes John A.'s political savvy quite succinctly as the 'ability to herd cats'. I'm not writing a paper so won't include a footnote or anything. If you are Canadian then you'll appreciate that not much has changed....That remark reminded me of a series of copies of paintings I did for a local church a few years ago. I should mention that another artist, K. Bellamy,  helped me to do the calligraphy (her specialty) and provided lots of artistic, emotional, and spiritual support throughout the project. These paintings represent four guys who also did their share of herding . Their flock consisted of  two legged sheep. The artist who produced them in the 1300's was a genius. You can read more about them if you search the British Library online for the Lindisfarne Gospels. Copies shown here were done on canvas in acrylic and ink and are 3' x 4'.

Matthew, The Man
John, The Eagle
Luke, The Ox