Sunday, December 5, 2010

Christmas Show

Just dropped these off at a show being held by a new artists' co-op near where I live. It's exciting to be a part of something so fresh and full of promise.

The watercolour  (Sanctuary)is a painting  of the tree outside my window. The big boughs all laden with snow just seem like arms beckoning to the wildlife to come and take shelter.

The  persimmons in a bowl are sitting on an old blanket box that's been in my family for a very long time. The backdrop is material from an old sewing project. The title 'Ancient Chinese Secret' occurred to me afterwards. I just wanted to paint them because of the great colour of the fruit. These didn't get eaten and in fact I've never tasted one. Just like to look at them....

I've been asked what the significance of the objects is in the painting of the timer and the eggshells. I like to pose things so they suggest a story but have to confess that I don't always start out with one in mind. I'm still pondering this one too.....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Kathy: You are such a gifted artist. What a pleasure to see your work. I especially love your writing... It makes your paintings even more personal to me. thank you for your simple, lovely, honest and refreshing comments